Wednesday, July 16, 2008

The Concept of Hell in Islam

The concept of Hell fire in Islam is divided into 7 levels:

1) Jaheem - is the shallowest level of Hell. It is reserved for those who believed in Allah and His messenger, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, but who ignored His commands.
2) Jahannam - is a deeper level where the idol-worshippers are to be sent on the Day of Judgment.
3) Sa’ir - is reserved for the worshippers of fire.
4) Saqar - is where those who did not believe in Allah(SWT) will be sent on the Day of Judgment.
5) Ladha - will be the home of Jews who rejected Allah(SWT) message.
6) Hawiyah - will be the abode of the Christians.
7) Hutama - is the deepest level of Hellfire. This is where the religious hypocrites will spend eternity. The worst of Allah’s creation are the Munafiqeen (Hyprocrites), whether they be mankind or jinn, for they outwardly appear to accept, but inwardly reject, Allah and His Messenger

According to Quran, Allah(SWT) can forgive anyone whom he wants due to His blessing except those who have associated partners with Him.

Allah forgiveth not that partners should be set up with Him; but He forgiveth anything else, to whom He pleaseth; to set up partners with Allah is to devise a sin Most heinous indeed. (Chapter 4 An-Nisa:48)

The punishment of hell fire is a concept that is found in all sizeable religion of the world in more or less the same manner. Religions like Judasim and Christanity believe that only their co-followers will enter in paradise and rest will be thrown in hell fire forever. On the contrary, Quran tells Muslims that anybody who believed in one God has a chance to finally get out of the hell fire to the mercy of God. The definition of Muslim in Islam is one who submits to one God and if Allah(SWT) thinks that he is a worthy slave of his, who knows he may get the salvation while a hypocrite person who was known to be Muslim throughout his life on the face may end up in eternal hell fire. Islam, in essence, teaches a way straight to paradise without having to pass through the vallies of Hell fire.

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